Tuesday, December 7, 2010

'BC5' material shows superhard, superconducting potential

"Our current study reveals a great possibility that BC5 may possess both superhard and superconducting properties that are beneficial to the creation of multifunctional devices under extreme conditions,"says Professor Yanming Ma, who led the research team at Jilin University.

At the heart of their study is the proposal that the synthesized BC5 adopts the diamond-{100} structure with special symmetry. Explains Ma, the BC5 structure has atomic packing of the form ABCABC… along the {100} crystallographic direction of diamond. This makes the deep understanding of this superhard and superconducting species possible. Ma believes that the outstanding mechanical andof BC5 can be adapted to design new superconducting nano-electromechanical systems and high-pressure devices.

Quan Li, the study's first author, expects their findings to stimulate further research into other B-C-N compounds with superhard and superconducting properties.


Monday, December 6, 2010

Scientists Create Nano-Patterned Superconducting Thin Films

Scientists Create Nano-Patterned Superconducting Thin Films


"Such superconducting nanowires and nano-loops might eventually be useful for new electronic devices— that is the long-term vision,"said Brookhaven Lab physicist Ivan Bozovic, who synthesized the superconducting films. He and his collaborators describe the research inNature Nanotechnology, published online June 13, 2010.

It has been a long-standing dream to fabricate superconducting nano-scale wires for faster, more powerful electronics. However, this has turned out to be very difficult if not impossible with conventionalbecause the minimal size for the sample to be superconducting— known as the coherence length — is large. For example, in the case of niobium, the most widely used superconductor, it is about 40 nanometers. Very thin nano-wires made of such materials wouldn't act as superconductors.

However, in layered copper-oxide superconductors, the coherence length is much smaller— about one or two nanometers within the copper-oxide plane, and as small as a tenth of a nanometer out-of-plane. The fact that these materials operate at warmer temperatures, reducing the need for costly cooling, makes them even more attractive for real-world applications.

To see if they could achieve superconductivity in a thin film material etched to form a pattern of"wires"— much like the circuits etched into— the Brookhaven team started by using a precision technique for making superconductingby layer. They used molecular beam epitaxy to build a material with alternating layers of copper-oxide and lanthanum and strontium. Bozovic's team had previously used this techniqueto produce thin films that retain superconductivity within a single copper-oxide layer.

Then the team at Bar-Ilan used electron-beam lithography to"etch"a pattern of thousands of loops into the surface of the material. The thickness, or diameter, of the""forming the sides of these loops was mere 25 nanometers, while the lengths ranged from 150 to 500 nanometers. Measurements ofof the patterned arrays showed that they were indeed superconducting when cooled below about 30 K.

When the scientists applied an externalperpendicular to the loops, they found that the loop resistance did not keep increasing steadily with the field strength, but rather changed up and down in an oscillatory manner.

"These oscillations in resistance have a large amplitude, and their frequency corresponds to discrete units (quanta) of magnetic flux— the measure of the strength of the magnetic field piercing the loops,"Bozovic said."A material with such a discrete, switchable form of magneto-resistance— especially from the superconducting to the non-superconducting state — could be extremely useful for engineering new devices."

The observed frequency of the oscillations in resistance may also have implications for understanding the mechanism by which copper-oxide materials become superconductors in the first place. The current findings seem to rule out certain theoretical models that propose that an ordered alignment of charge carriers known as"stripes"is essential to superconductivity in copper-oxide compounds. A better understanding of the mechanism of superconductivity could lead to even more advances in designing new materials for practical applications.

The Brookhaven scientists' role in this research was supported by DOE's Office of Science. The work was also funded by the German Research Foundation through a German-Israeli cooperative agreement, and by a scholarship granted by the Israel Ministry of Science.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Zeroing in on quantum effects: New materials yield clues about high-temperature superconductors

In new research appearing online today in the journal, the Rice University-led team offers new evidence about the quantum features of the latest class of high-temperature superconductors, a family of iron-based compounds called"pnictides"(pronounced: NICK-tides).

"In correlated electron systems like the pnictides and their parent compounds, the electrons are caught in a competition between forces,"said Rice physicist Qimiao Si, a co-author of the study."On the one hand, they are compelled to move around, and on the other, they are forced to arrange themselves in a particular way because of their desire to repel one another. In this study, we varied the ratio between these competing forces in an effort to find the tipping point where one takes over from the other."

The aim of the research is to better understand the processes that lead to high-temperature superconductivity. If better understood and developed, high-temperature superconductors could revolutionize electric generators, MRI scanners, high-speed trains and other devices. In today's wiring, electricity is lost due to resistance and heating. This happens because electrons bump and ricochet from atom to atom as they pass down wires, and they lose a bit of energy in the form of heat each time they bounce around.

Almost a century ago, physicists discovered materials that could conduct electrons without losing energy to resistance. These"superconductors"had to be very cold, and it took physicists nearly 50 years to come up with an explanation for them: The electron-electron repulsion in these low-temperature superconductors was so weak that with the mediation of lattice vibrations, electrons overcame it, paired up and glided freely without the bumping and heating.

That explanation sufficed until 1986, when physicists discovered new materials that became superconductors at temperatures above 100 kelvins. These"high-temperature superconductors"were made of layers of copper alloys sandwiched between layers of nonconducting material that were laced, or"doped,"with trace amounts of material that could contribute a few extra electrons to the mix.

Physicists quickly realized their existing theories of superconductivity could not explain what was happening in the new materials. For one thing, the undoped versions of the compounds didn't conduct electricity at all. Their electrons -- due to their desire to repel one another -- tended to lock themselves a comfortable distance away from their neighbors. This locked pattern was dubbed"Mott localization,"which gives rise to an insulating state.

In 2008, the search for answers took another turn when a second class of high-temperature superconductors was discovered. Dubbed the pnictides, these new iron-based superconductors were also layered and also needed to be doped. But unlike their copper cousins, undoped pnictides were not Mott insulators.

"Mott localization doesn't occur in the undoped pnictides, but there is considerable evidence that the electrons in these materials are near the point where Mott localization occurs,"Si said."This proximity to Mott localization endows the system with strong quantum magnetic fluctuations, which we believe underlie thein the pnictides."

In all high-temperature, the iron or copper atoms in the conducting layers form a grid-like, checkerboard pattern.

In work published earlier this year, Si and colleagues replaced arsenic atoms in one of the intervening layers of a pnictide with slightly smaller phosphorous atoms. This subtle change brought the iron atoms in the checkerboard a tad closer together, and that changed the amount of energy that was compellingto move between the iron atoms. The experiments confirmed a 2008 prediction of Si and, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) theorist Elihu Abrahams, who had predicted that boosting the electrons' kinetic energy would drive the pnictides further away from the Mott tipping point.

In the latest tests, Si and colleagues at Rice, China's Zhejiang University, UCLA, Los Alamos National Laboratory and the State University of New York at Buffalo (SUNY-Buffalo) sought to move the system in the other direction, toward Mott localization.

"We wanted to decrease the kinetic energy by expanding the distance between iron atoms in the lattice,"said study co-author Jian-Xin Zhu, a theorist from Los Alamos."Unfortunately, there is no pnictide material with those properties."

So the team's experimentalists, Rice's Emilia Morosan and Zhejiang's Minghu Fang, hit upon the idea of substituting a similarly patterned material called an iron oxychalcogenide (pronounced: OXY-cal-cah-ge-nyde). Like the iron pnictides, iron oxychalcogenides are layered materials. But compared with the pnictides, the distance between iron atoms is expanded in the oxychalcogenides.

Tests on the new materials confirmed the theoretical predictions of the team; a slight expansion of the iron lattice pushed the system into a Mott insulating state.

"Our results provide further evidence that the undoped iron pnictide parent compounds are on the verge of Mott localization,"Abrahams said.


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Superconductivity breakthrough could lead to more cost effective technologies

Superconductivity breakthrough could lead to more cost effective technologies


Using the ISIS and Diamond Facilities at the Science and Technology Facilities Council's Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) and the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, scientists have demonstrated how a new material made from metal atoms and buckyballs (tiny carbon-60 molecules shaped like a football) becomes a high temperature superconductor when it is squashed. The applied pressure shrinks the structure and overcomes the repulsion between the electrons, allowing them to pair up and travel through the material without resistance.

The Liverpool and Durham researchers made the new material supported by funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council for a program investigating ways of creating higher temperature superconductors, to reduce some of the costs involved with keeping them at their optimum temperature and broaden their applications. Anfor example, contains person-sized superconductive magnet that needs to be kept inside a bath ofin order to regulate the superconductor's temperature at - 270 degrees Celcius. The ultimate aim is for a superconductor to operate at room temperature to eliminate the need for large and expensive cooling systems.

Dr Peter Baker, Muon instrument scientist at STFC's ISIS Facility6:"This research suggests that there is a universal trend in high temperature superconducting materials, which is a great step forward in understanding the fundamental nature of. Once we know how superconductivity works it will be easier to develop high temperature superconducting materials with specific properties, opening the door to new applications and ultra efficient energy transmission."

The advantage of investigating carbon-based superconducting materials is that they can be made with different structures that alter their properties; whereas the active components of other high high-temperature superconductors, such as copper oxide materials, are always arranged in one way. This structural flexibility offers a new way of looking at the mechanisms that drive high-temperature superconductivity, offering more insight into how to make higher temperature. It has also established a universal pattern in the superconductivity of carbon-based materials which can now be used to help guide future theoretical models of superconductivity.

Matthew Rosseinsky, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Liverpool said;"We've shown for the first time how controlling the arrangement of molecules in acontrols its properties. This is possible because we have found two arrangements of the same basic molecular unit which have both superconducting and magnetic properties."

Kosmas Prassides, Professor of Chemistry, Durham University said;"This is important in the context of high-temperature superconductivity as it allowed us to see at which point superconductivity emerges out of the competing insulating state irrespective of the exact atomic structure - something that has not been possible before for any other known material".


Friday, December 3, 2010

New material may reveal inner workings of hi-temp superconductors

Copper-based high-temperatureare created by taking a nonconducting material called a Mott insulator and either adding or removing some electrons from its. As the quantity of electrons is raised or lowered, the material undergoes a gradual transformation to one that, at certain temperatures, conducts electricity utterly without resistance. Until now, all materials that fit the bill could only be pushed towardeither by adding or removing electrons—but not both.

However, the new material tested at the NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR) is the first one ever found that exhibits properties of both of these regimes. A team of researchers from Osaka University, the University of Virginia, the Japanese Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Tohoku University and the NIST NCNR used neutron diffraction to explore the novel material, known only by its chemical formula of YLBLCO.

The material can only be made to superconduct by removing electrons. But ifare added, it also exhibits some properties only seen in those materials that superconduct with an electron surplus—hinting that scientists may now be able to study the relationship between the two ways of creating superconductors, an opportunity that was unavailable before this"ambipolar"material was found.

The results are described in detail in a"News and Views"article in the August, 2010, issue of,"Doped Mott insulators: Breaking through to the other side."**


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Electron 'pairing': Triplet superconductivity proven experientially for first time

The results achieved by this research team headed by Prof. Kurt Westerholt and Prof. Hartmut Zabel (Department of Physics and Astronomy at RUB) could contribute to new, power saving components in the future. The researchers reported on their findings in the American Physical Society's noted journalThe Physical Review B.

If it were possible to eliminatewe could reduce our electric bill significantly and make a significant contribution to solving the energy problem, if it were not for a few other problems. Many metals as well asdemonstrate a superconductive state, however only at low temperatures. The superconductive effect results from Cooper pairs that migrate through the metal together"without resistance". The electrons in each Cooper pair are arranged so that their compositeis zero. Each electron has an angular momentum, the so-called spin, with a value of 1/2. When one electron spins counterclockwise (-1/2) and the other clockwise (+1/2), the total of the two spin values is zero. This effect, found only in superconductors, is called the singlet state.

If a superconductor is brought into contact with a ferromagnetic material, the Cooper pairs are broken up along the shortest path and the superconductor becomes a normal conductor. Cooper pairs cannot continue to exist in a singlet state in a. Researches at RUB (Prof. Konstantin Efetov,) among others have, however, theoretically predicted a new type of Cooper pair, which has a better chance of survival in ferromagnetic materials. In such Cooper pairs the electrons spin in parallel with one another so that they have a finite spin with a value of 1. Since this angular momentum can have three orientations in space, it is also known as the triplet state."Obviously there can also be only one certain, small fraction of Cooper pairs in a triplet state, which then quickly revert to the singlet state"explained Prof. Kurt Westerholt."The challenge was to verify these triplet Cooper pairs experimentally".

allow us to produce highly sensitive detectors for magnetic fields, which even allow detection of magnetic fields resulting from brain waves. These detectors are called SQUID's (superconducting quantum interference devices)– components which use the superconductive quantum properties. The central feature in these components consists of so-called tunnel barriers with a series of layers made up of a superconductor, insulator and another superconductor. Quantum mechanics allows a Cooper pair to be"tunneled"through a very thin insulating layer. Tunneling of a large number of Cooper pairs results in a tunnel current."Naturally the barrier cannot be too thick, otherwise the tunnel current subsides. A thickness of one to two nanometers is ideal", according to Prof. Hermann Kohlstedt (CAU).

If part of the tunnel barrier is replaced by a ferromagnetic layer, the Cooper pairs are broken up while they are still in the barrier and do not reach the superconductor on the other side. The tunnel current decreases drastically."Triplet Cooper pairs can, however, be tunneled much better through such a ferromagnetic barrier", says Dirk Sprungmann, who was involved as Ph.D. student. If we are successful in converting a portion of the singlet Cooper pairs to triplet Cooper pairs, the tunnel current should be significantly stronger and be able to pass through a thicker ferromagnetic layer. This is precisely what the physicists in Bochum and Kiel tested. They allowed the Cooper pairs to pass through ferromagnetic barriers with thicknesses of up to 10 nanometers. With this attempt the physicists achieved a double success. On the one hand they were able to experimentally verify the existence of triplet Cooper pairs, and, on the other, they demonstrated that the tunnel current is greater than for singlet Cooper pairs in conventional tunnel contacts."These new ferromagnetic tunnel barriers may possibly be used for new types of components", states Dr. Martin Weides (Santa Barbara). With their research findings the scientists confirmed, among other things, the theoretical work of a Norwegian research team published only a few weeks before.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Stripes offer clues to superconductivity

Stripes offer clues to superconductivity


In order to identify the stripes that represent regions with dense superconducting currents, a group of Stanford University researchers measured the depth that magnetic fields penetrated into a superconducting sample. When exposed to a, currents in a superconductor flow in a way that creates a field inside the material that is the opposite of the applied field. When added together, the applied and internal fields cancel each other out inside the superconductor. Essentially, it's as if the superconductor prevents a magnetic field from penetrating it (this is the source of the Meissner effect, which allows strong magnets to levitate over a superconductor). The better the superconductor, the more completely it can exclude a magnetic field. By scanning an iron-pnictide superconductor with a probe that measures the depth that a magnetic field penetrates the material, the researchers could determine the regions where superconducting currents are strongest.

Unlike metal superconductors, which require temperatures close toin order to operate, pnictides and many superconductors that function at higher temperatures (typically 10 to 135 degrees above absolute zero) are ceramics that are built of crystal grains. Although the underlying mechanisms are not clear, measurements of magnetic field penetration indicate that superconducting currents flow best along the boundaries between the crystals.

In aViewpointappearing in the current edition ofAPS Physics, John Tranquada of Brookhaven National Laboratory points out that identifying the connection between crystal boundaries andshould help us to develop better high temperature superconductors. Ultimately, superconductors operating closer to room temperature could help save energy by reducing the inefficiencies that comes with transporting electricity. In addition, high temperaturecould be handy for creating powerful magnets for medical imaging and various industrial applications, as well as potentially leading to high speed computers and other novel electronic devices.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How to identify chiral superconductivity in new materials

Beenakker is a scientist at the Instituut-Lorentz of Leiden University in The Netherlands. Along with Serban, Béri and Akhmerov, Beenakker is in a group that says it has produced a test for determining whether or not a material meets the criteria for chiral p-wave. The work of the group is described in:“Domain Wall in a Chiral p-Wave Superconductor: A Pathway for Electrical Current.”

“Efforts are going into creating a chiral superconductor, in which there is transport in one direction, instead of two. This superconductor would have electrons moving in only one direction,” Beenakker explains. “This has been seen in the quantum Hall effects, and scientists are interested in other systems that would show similar characteristics of electrons moving in one direction without resistance.”

Right now, chiral transport in a superconductor is difficult to detect. While many labs and scientific groups are laboring with different materials to create chiral transport in a superconductor, there are challenges to actually knowing when this is accomplished. This is where Beenakker and his colleagues, along with their test, come in.“We propose what should work as a test to verify that a chiral p-wave superconductor has, in fact, been created,” he says.

The test would be administered by first hooking up a wire to the opposite ends of a domain wall of the material.“Next, we would apply a voltage to see if you can send current from one side to the other,” Beenakker says. “Then, you could invert the voltage, to see if the current can flow in the opposite direction. In this way you could find out whether it is going in only one direction.”

Such a test is a step in efforts to developthat could be used for a variety of applications in the future.“We are theorists, coming up with ideas that could be useful in experiments,” Beenakker explains. “This test could be used in the development of future superconductor technology. A group would say that they think they have developed a chiral superconductor, and then they could use this test to determine whether or not it truly is such a superconductor. This test provides a way to observe chirality in a way that has not been available up to this point.”

Beenakker says that the work of the group in The Netherlands is especially exciting since it could lead to different ways of building quantum computers.“Chiral p-wave superconductors are among the candidates for supercomputer platforms,” he points out. “Being able to find these materials, would be very helpful in moving forward with quantum computing. If p-wave superconductors really exist, and we can make them accessible and robust in labs, itcould be a significant step forward in terms of making the building blocks of quantum computing.”


Monday, November 29, 2010

New mechanism for superconductivity discovered in iron-based superconductors

New mechanism for superconductivity discovered in iron-based superconductors


In classical theory,occurs when two electrons are bound together to form a pair, known as a Cooper pair, by lattice vibrations. This pairing mechanism, however, has never been confirmed for high-temperature superconductors, whose transition temperatures well above the theoretical limit of about 40 K pose an enigma for condensed matter physics.

The iron-based superconductors investigated by the research team, first discovered in 2008 by Japanese researchers, offer the greatest chance of solving this enigma. With a maximumof 55K, these superconductors are governed by an electron pairing mechanism that is different from earliermediated by lattice vibrations, one based on two types of electrons with different momenta.

New mechanism for superconductivity discovered in iron-based superconductors

Magnetic-field induced change in the intensity of electronic standing waves evidencing the“s±-wave” structure. When magnetic field is applied there appear two types of spots; one is enhanced by the field (blue) and the other is suppressed by the field (red). This behavior is evidence of the “s±-wave” structure of Cooper pairs, strongly suggesting a magnetism-related pairing mechanism.

To analyze this complex pairing mechanism, the researchers applied scanning tunnelling microscopy to electron pairing in Fe(Se, Te), the iron-based superconductor with the simplest crystal structure. Imaging electronic standing waves produced by scattering interference under a powerful 10-Tesla magnetic field, they found that Cooper pairs adopted a characteristic“s±-wave” structure that is unique to a material with two types of electrons.

The discovery of s±-wave structure breaks new ground by supporting a mechanism for electron pairing based not on lattice vibrations, as in other forms of superconductivity, but on magnetism. In providing a powerful constraint on, the finding thus marks a major advance toward unraveling the mystery of high-temperature superconductivity.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Watching the Tug of War between Structure and Superconductivity

Watching the Tug of War between Structure and Superconductivity


Relatively new to the field of superconductivity, iron-based materials are now world-famous for their frictionless transport of electrons at"high"temperatures— above about 50 Kelvin, or -190 degrees Celsius.

"Iron-based superconductors have second highestthat anyone knows about, a characteristic that's very important if we want to use them for practical applications,"said Princeton researcher Robert Cava."All aspects of research on these materials are now underway. Our part of the picture is to try and understand why they're superconducting in the first place."

Cava and a group of fellow researchers from Princeton, Stony Brook University, Brookhaven, and Johannes Gutenberg University, in Germany, focused their investigations on a particular material made from conducting layers of iron and selenium, called iron. In recent years, scientists have explored numerous aspects of the underlying physics of iron-based superconductors, often making connections to the material's structure or innate magnetism. But the exact relationships between these properties were unclear.

"In order for superconductivity to exist, it must arise as the winner in a tug of war between different physical properties,"Cava said."The research community has known that magnetism competes with superconductivity in the iron, but no one had a good idea of how crystal structure competed."

Cava's group compared the structures of superconducting and non-superconducting iron selenide using two different types of tools: powerful beams of x-rays at the NSLS and a suite of advanced microscopes at the CFN. At NSLS beamline X16C, the researchers used synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction to provide"snapshots"of the materials on the order of hundreds of nanometers. They combined that data with images taken with transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction, resulting in resolution an order of magnitude higher than the x-ray technique.

"We needed both of these sophisticated techniques to really understand what was going on here,"Cava said, adding that the findings weren't as straightforward as expected.

Among the results, which were published in the July 31, 2009 edition ofPhysical Review Letters, the group showed that the superconducting form of iron selenide can be distinguished from the non-superconducting form by a change in its structure. The superconductor gains its power by giving way to a slight structural"distortion,"and the non-superconductor holds strong.

The researchers also showed that this unique structural change is unrelated to magnetism, as hypothesized in the past. The material's fundamental bonding— the bonding between atoms — stays the same while the angles between the bonds change, similar to the expansion of a baby gate. Unlike a gate, the angles only change by a few degrees — still enough, though, to give birth to superconductivity.

But the real surprise is that this structural change actually exists in both the superconducting and non-superconducting forms of the material, just on different scales and with different effects.

"This distortion can still be found in the non-superconducting material, but it's only present over tens of atoms,"Cava said."In the superconducting material, it's present over very long distances. This detail was hidden until we were able to take a really close look at the materials. The challenge now is to figure out over what distance ahas to be distorted in order to affect its properties."

Next, Cava's group will try to resolve the structure-superconductivity relationships within other iron-based.

"By showing the scientific community this clear example, we hope to inspire them to think about manipulating this phase transition,"he said.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

New property in warm superconductors discovered

For 25 years, they’ve speculated that magnetism could be a problem.

TheProceedings of the National Academy of Scienceshas published the finding that there is a weak magnetism in a certain type of lanthanum-based copper oxide material, which is the closest known warm-temperature superconductor.

Sonier, the lead scientist in this research, says:“The search for room-temperatureis big news. The cover story of the June 2010 issue ofScientific Americanpredicted the discovery would be one of the‘12 events that will change everything.’”

Superconductors, materials that have zero electrical resistance, could potentially drive ever day devices in electronics, medicine and transportation, but are super expensive because they only operate at extremely low temperatures. Ifwere operational at room temperature they wouldn’t need to be driven by expensive cooling systems using liquid helium.

When charge carriers are added to copper oxide materials, known as cuprates, they are capable of superconductivity. Some cuprates function at -140 degrees Celsius, a temperature markedly above -240 degrees Celsius, which is the normal operational temperature of all other kinds of superconducting materials.

Adding charge carriers (electric charge carrying particle) is known as chemical doping. With increased chemical doping the operational temperature of a cuprate superconductor rises to a certain point and then collapses.

Until this latest research, scientists could only speculate on whether a competing magnetic phase might exist during high chemical doping and ultimately destroy their superconductivity.

Sonier and his colleagues used a subatomic particle, called a muon, to microscopically probe the magnetic nature of a cuprate. This led them to discover that a strange kind of magnetism appears to accompany the destruction of superconductivity during high chemical doping.

The scientists are now trying to figure out the origin of the magnetism and whether it actually competes with superconductivity.

Sonier says,“Understanding what destroys superconductivity during high chemical doping could provide a vital clue about the microscopic mechanism responsible for high-temperature superconductivity. Knowledge of this would be a monumental step toward making a room-temperature superconductor.”


Friday, November 26, 2010

Roller coaster superconductivity discovered

Roller coaster superconductivity discovered


Until now, copper-laden materials called cuprates have been the only superconductors whose transition temperatures are higher than the liquid nitrogen boiling point at -321F (77 K). Whether researchers can make transition temperatures higher in such materials remains a challenge.

Now, researchers at the Carnegie Institution's Geophysical Laboratory, with colleagues, have unexpectedly found that the transition temperature can be induced under two different intense pressures in a three-layered bismuth oxide crystal referred to as"Bi2223."The higherproduces the higher transition temperature. They believe this unusual two-step phenomena comes from competition of electronic behavior in different kinds of copper-oxygen layers in the crystal. The work is published in the August 19, 2010, issue ofNature.

"Bi2223 is like a layered cake,"explained lead author Xiao-Jia Chen at Carnegie."On the top and bottom there are insulating bismuth-oxide layers. On the inside of those, come layers of strontium oxide. Next, are layers of, then calcium, and finally the middle is another copper-oxide layer. Interestingly, the outermost and inner layers of copper oxide have different physical properties resulting in an imbalance of electric charge between the layers."

One way scientists have found to increase the transition temperature ofis to"dope"them by adding charged particles.

Under normal pressure, the optimally doped Bi2223's transition temperature is -265F (108K). The scientists subjected doped crystals of the material to a range of pressures up to 359,000 times the atmospheric pressure at sea level (36.4 Giga Pascal), the highest pressure yet for magnetic measurements in cuprate superconductors. The first higher transition temperature happened at 100,666 atmospheres (10.2 GPa).

"After that, increasing pressures ended up with lower transition temperatures,"remarked Chen."Then to our complete surprise at about 237,000 atmospheres (24 GPa) thereappeared. Under even more pressure, 359,000 atmospheres, the transition temperature rose to -215F (136K). That was the highest pressure our measuring system could detect."

Other research has shown that some multilayered superconducting materials like this one exhibit different electronic and vibrational behaviors in different layers. The researchers think that 237,000 atmospheres might be a critical point where pressure suppresses one behavior and enhances superconductivity.

"The finding gives new perspectives on making higherin multilayer cuprate superconductors. The research may offer a promising way of designing and engineeringwith much higher transition temperatures at ambient conditions,"concluded coauthor Viktor Struzhkin also of Carnegie.


Monday, November 15, 2010

New superconductor research may solve key problem in physics

The data Lawler analyzed have been available for several years, but have not been well understood until now."The pattern looked so mysterious and interesting,"he said."It's so different from any other material we've ever looked at. Trying to understand what this data is really trying to tell us has been one of our big ambitions, and we think we have captured one of its essential ingredients."

Lawler, a theoretical physicist, worked with physicists at Cornell University, Brookhaven National Laboratory and laboratories in Japan and Korea on this research. They found what may be the key to unlocking the secrets of the so-called"pseudogap phenomenon"in superconductors.

The"pseudogap phenomenon"is the remarkable vanishing of the low-energy electronic excitations in high-temperature superconductors. A material experiencing this rare phenomenon becomes mostly insulating but otherwise behaves like a superconductor. And because this can happen at room temperature, scientists believe it may be possible forto exist at these temperatures.

Superconductors are materials - often but not always metals - thatwithout resistance below a certain temperature. For decades, it was thought that these materials could conduct electricity only at temperatures far below freezing. In the last 20 years, however, scientists have discovered several compounds that superconduct at much higher temperatures.

In principle, a room-temperature superconductor could allow:

  • Electricity to travel with zerofromto houses.
  • High-speed trains to float on top of the superconductor.
  • Cell phone towers that could handle many cell phone carriers in high-population areas.
"It's one of the most interesting problems that we have in physics,"Lawler said."I believe that having a challenge at that level can help produce breakthroughs in science."

He and his colleagues found that the electronic states of two neighboring oxygen atoms in these superconductors are different from each other. Looking at the electronic structure, then, the physicists were able to observe a broken symmetry."It is like the electronic states were stretched along the X-direction compared to the Y-direction,"Lawler said."That the pseudogap phase has this order allows us to make the bold claim that it is actually a distinct phase of electronic matter."

To understand this observation better, consider the phases of rod-like objects. Rod-like polymers have many more phases than the solid, liquid and gas phases of more ordinary atoms. At high temperatures, they are in a gas phase like such atoms. However, at lower temperatures, all the rods can point in one direction while still moving around freely like a gas or liquid. Physicists call this a"nematic phase."The organization of the rods in this phase is similar to what the researchers observed in the electronic states associated with the pseudogap phenomena.

More phases of rod-like objects exist at lower temperatures until eventually the rods freeze into a crystal. Physicists call these intermediate phases"liquid-crystal phases."They are responsible for the liquid crystal displays commonly used in watches and televisions.

Lawler, who joined Binghamton's faculty in 2008, earned his PhD at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and was a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Toronto. A self-described"pencil-and-paper theorist,"he is open to discovery in unexpected places. That was certainly the case with this project, as the inspiration for the data analysis came to him while he was shopping at Home Depot.

The researchers' success, Lawler said, is owed to both the unusual data analysis—which is derived from radio technology - and the unique capabilities of his Cornell colleagues, who have a scanning tunneling microscope that enables them to look at single atoms while maintaining a large field of view.
